Getting Right With God

Getting Right With God By Joseph Way The Author

Getting Right With God By Joseph Way The Author Our “god” is what we love (value) most. From its origin, Judeo-Christians have proclaimed one specific God and how to get right with him; frequently forgetting, changing or misleading, This author radically and rationally questions many ancient and modern beliefs.

About Me

Joseph Way

Getting Right With God By Joseph Way The Author I am one of seven children, was raised on a small farm in MS. My education includes a B. A. From Millsaps College plus a B. D. and MDiv. from Vanderbilt Divinity School. I am an ordained United Methodist minister with forty-two years of active ministry: fourteen as a church pastor, twenty-three as an Air Force chaplain and five as a V. A. Chaplain. For my expressed opposition to segregation in the 1960s, I was forced to leave MS and later selected for Who’s Who in Methodism. I am a certified counselor for Alcoholism in TX. I retired from the Air Force as a Lt. Colonel and have written four books: Joseph’s Journey. A Pain In the Gut, Could it be? Biblical Gems from the Garbage Dump, Bound By Beliefs (Reprinted of Getting Right With God). My wife of sixty-five and I have two children and now live in TX, where we have lived for the last twentyfive years.
Getting Right With God

“Way throws a gasoline on the basic premises of the history of Christianity and lights a match with this provocative work.”

BookLife Review

Religion and Spirituality

Getting Right With God

Getting Right With God